I.G. Boxing Team South Africa 2001
by WOII (CSM) Andy Haines

Irish Guards South Africa

The British Army Boxing Team

With the Irish Guards boxing team success in both Germany and the United Kingdom several members of the team were chosen to box for the British Army Boxing team Germany. The team formed up 01st August 2001 at Barker Barracks Paderborn. The boxers were selected from all Germany based major units, the Irish Guards that were successful for the team were:

L/Cpl Parkinson, Gdsm Mclean, Gdsm Collici and Gdsm Lewis

The boxers and trainers (WOII (CSM) Haines & L/Cpl Seal) stayed in the Holiday Inn Johannesburg on their arrival in South Africa after spending 10 hrs on a flight. The following day was then spent in the car park of the hotel training, this drew a large crowd of locals as it was not the normal sight.

After Johannesburg the team moved to 121 South African Infantry Battalion at Mutubtuba, on the east coast of Kwa Zulu Natal where training continued at the highest of standards

The British Army Boxing Team
The Army Team

On the day of the event the team (above) departed for a two and a half hour journey to Westbank. On arriving at the township community centre the South African Army were deployed in all round defence, giving all concerned the jitters. However in the building was the largest boxing ring ever known to man, this, we thought, had to be to the opponents advantage.

The match making took place in a toilet with their officials and several province Champions. All were in good Army spirit and the locals treated us all like kings as the British Army team took the challange and matched 10 bouts. The local witch doctor in full zulu regalia was always placing a curse onto the corner of the Brits, however his magic was not working on this day as we did take 8 bouts to 2.

The ladysmith Times reporter however, did report a twisted story line to say that the Zulu nations had the end result but we have our boxing cards marked to prove that we were the winners and cream of the evening.

British Army Boxing Officials
South Africa