Listed above are some of the topics that will be covered during your Education for promotion courses, EFP1 & EFP2. This is not a bible, however if you are unsure of were to start preparing your self for the course ahead, then this is as good as any place to start.

The Topics listed are as per the EFP 2 course that I completed in June 2000, things might of changed since then but the skeleton will remain, and that's really what I have produced in the following pages. A.D.S stands for Army Defence Studies, M.M.S is the Military Man Management, C.A.Ds, and these are currant Affairs Discussions and took place daily.

On arrival at the course (Education Centre) all students are split into groups of 4 people and this is the group that you work through the course with, producing team projects, presentations, (if you do not understand how to use Microsoft Power Point, I would strongly suggest that you learn, its not hard, and presents any presentation with maximum effect) and talking about concurrent affairs.

There are also Written Assessments throughout the course, no computers are used for these phases of the course, if you write your name like a child with a 3 inch crayon then you need to practice writing legibly prior to the course, the marks gained here go towards your final grade, if your writing can not be read then you can not expect to gain the required marks, regardless of how good the content may be. The examiner must be able to read it. When sitting these written Assessments you are against the time and a good time appreciation is required.

Attached to the pages that follow are snippets of information that will assist you in doing some form of pre training, however, do not use this totally I would recommend that you talk to the Army Education Centre direct for the best pre training you could give your self.

This is an excellent course, the staff will assist you in what ever you feel uncomfortable with, the atmosphere is very relaxed and you are made to feel at ease. The only pressure that you feel is all self induced, but that is nature, and you will feel it. Have a good one.

The following pages will assist you with you EFP 1 & 2